In praise of my bed


Our bed 2

No other lover has been so faithful as you, who wait for me at day’s end, unmoved by my failures and lack of grace, ready to bear me up without complaint and hold me in your embrace through every dark hour.

Magician of the night, I give you weariness and you transform it into rest. I drink the great elixir you prepare for me and awake refreshed in body and soul.

You are the skiff I row to carry me from past to future across the Sea of Dreams, where I have drowned a thousand times.


Atop your still rink, I glide and spin through the dark hours. When the ice melts, I fall beneath the depths, swim the length of night, and crawl to shore.


You are the dance floor of my memories.

Each night I meet monsters, lovers, and my other selves, reincarnated from remembrances past. We play upon your darkened stage – dramas, comedies, and mysteries – to our forgetful audience.

You are the envelope I fold myself in to mail myself to tomorrow.

I plant the seed of me in your rich soil, grow new again, reborn each day older than the day before.

You are the cocoon I wrap myself in to shed my younger selves, all the people I used to be.


I am sovereign of your continent, where I rule over a legion of dreams.

You are the sheet of paper on which I write stories of love and loss, tales too sad to tell or remember.

Unafraid I climb onto the ledge of night and jump. Then I wind myself in the shroud of yesterday’s me and die once more, until I can die no more.

Photos: skiff by phil smith    skater   cocoon

27 thoughts on “In praise of my bed

  1. Beautifully said. Now you need to write about the dark knight of the night who steals your sleep and leaves you wide-eyed and bushy tailed at 3 a.m. so you can continue your cranky persona the next day.

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    • We have a small company here that makes mattresses on site. Instead of attaching the pillow top on the mattress, they make it separate so that you can flip the top and turn it to prevent breakdown of the materials. That way, if the pillow top needs replacing, you can keep the box springs and mattress and just replace the pillow top. Most excellent.

  3. Enjoyed very much your beautifully written tribute. You speak for many of us, and yet your own particular voice and personality are heard. You’re as beautiful as the refuge you praise.

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